


Website Packages

choose the package that best fits your needs


per month

Included Services

Responsive Website (up to 4 pages)
Mobile Friendly
Integration of Google Analytics
Website Hosting
One Complimentary Design Change per Month
SSL Certificate


per month

Included Services

Fully Dynamic Website (up to 10 pages)
Mobile Friendly
Integration of Google Analytics
Website Hosting
Two Complimentary Design Changes per Month
SSL Certificate
Advanced CMS Functionality
Advanced SEO Optimization Setup


per month

Included Services

Fully Dynamic Website (up to 20 pages)
Mobile Friendly
Integration of Google Analytics
Website Hosting
Five Complimentary Design Changes per Month
SSL Certificate
Pro CMS Functionality
Pro SEO Optimization Setup
Social Media Setup
One Complimentary 30-Minute Social Media Growth Consultation

Need something else?

If your website requirements do not align with any of our base plans, please contact us to receive a custom quote. Additionally, we offer one-time purchase options for website projects.


Cost may vary depending on needs


Starting at $500 per Month

SEO Audit & Fixes
Keyword Optimization
Link Building
Performance Tracking

Content Creation

Starting at $450

Strategy & Planning
Writing & Visuals
Social Media Content
Performance Monitoring

Photo Package

Starting at $300

Photo Sessions
Editing & Retouching
Custom Libraries
Event & Product Photography

AI Consulting

Stay Up to date with the newest Technologies


per hour


Introduction to AI
Core Concepts and Techniques
Application and Tools
Ethics and Challenges
Future Trends and Resources


per hour


Introduction to AI
Core Concepts and Techniques
Application and Tools
Ethics and Challenges
Future Trends and Resources